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Eye Spy 5 Common Eye Myths: The Truth About Eye Health You Need to Know!

It’s time to set the record straight on some common eye myths that you may have heard. So, grab your favourite pair of glasses (or contacts, if that’s more your style) and let’s dive in!

adult woman with purple glasses holding carrots

Myth #1: Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyes.

While sitting close to the TV won’t cause permanent damage to your eyes, it can lead to eye strain and discomfort. So, if you find yourself sitting a little too close for comfort, take a break and give your eyes a rest.

Myth #2: Reading in dim light will make you go blind.

While this may be a bit of an exaggeration, reading in dim light can cause eye strain and fatigue. Make sure you have adequate lighting when reading or doing any other visually intensive activity.

Myth #3: Eating carrots will give you superhuman vision.

While carrots are packed with Vitamin A, which is essential for eye health, they won’t magically give you x-ray vision. A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is important for overall health, including eye health. Other foods that will help your overall visual health include: Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach, turnips, butternut squash, raw red pepper, Citrus fruits and berries. Also great for the eyes are nuts, seeds, fish, whole grains and legumes.

Myth #4: Wearing glasses or contacts will make your eyes weaker.

Wearing corrective lenses won’t weaken your eyes, in fact they  actually help reduce eye strain and prevent further vision problems. So, if you need glasses or contacts, wear them with confidence!

Myth #5: Eye exams are only necessary if you have vision problems.

Even if you have perfect vision, it’s important to get regular eye exams to ensure that your eyes are healthy. Many eye diseases have no early warning signs, so catching them early through regular exams is crucial.

There you have it! Keep these eye myths in mind and remember to take care of your eyes. After all, they’re the only pair you’ve got! And remember, take care of your eyes by taking regular breaks, having adequate lighting, eating a balanced diet, wearing corrective lenses if needed, and getting regular eye exams.
If you think your eyes are due for a check-up, contact us and let’s set up an appointment